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Chronicles |
![]() ChroniclesThis section is a chronological index or diary that will follow our progress throughout our Indie Jazz CD Construction Projects.
Feb 9th,  2008: It's been a while, but here we are: another preliminary mix - this time, of the song We've Been Blessed, the final song for the Gail Selkirk - Songbird of Swing! CD. Click on the link (below) to go to the song page and have a listen:
March 12th,  2007: We finished another preliminary mix - of the song Songbird of Swing, the signature song for the Gail Selkirk - Songbird of Swing! CD. Click on the link (below) to go to the song page and have a listen:
February 7th,  2007: We finished another preliminary mix, of the song Rock & Roll Jazz, a raucous swing that will be on the Gail Selkirk - Songbird of Swing! CD. Click on the link (below) to go to the song page and have a listen:
January 12th,  2007: We finished another preliminary mix, this time of the song Go Slow, a slow blusey number that will be on the Gail Selkirk - Songbird of Swing! CD. Click on the link (below) to go to the song page and have a listen:
Dec 26th,  2006: We finished another preliminary mix, this time of the song Drop In (When I'm Not Home) that will be on the Gail Selkirk - Songbird of Swing! CD. Click on the link (below) to go to the song page and have a listen:
Dec 5th,  2006: We finished another preliminary mix, this time of the song Blue Love that will be on the Gail Selkirk - Songbird of Swing! CD. Click on the link (below) to go to the song page and have a listen:
Nov 23rd,  2006: We finished a preliminary mix of the song The Swan's Lament that will be on the Gail Selkirk - Songbird of Swing! CD. Click on the link (below) to go to the song page and have a listen:
Nov 16th,  2006: We recorded a new version of Ballili Island that will be on the Gail Selkirk - Songbird of Swing! CD. Click on the link (below) to go to the Ballili Island song page and have a listen:
April 22nd,  2006: Another song for your listening pleasure - one that will be on the Gail Selkirk - Songbird of Swing! CD:
Sep 28th,  2005: We have posted previews of 2 more songs for your listening pleasure - one that will be on my A Choir of One! CD: ... and one from the Gail Selkirk - Songbird of Swing! CD: We'll be posting more song previews in the next little while...
Aug 3rd,  2005: It's been quite a while since we've posted any news or updates. While it's been quiet on the web site, there's been a lot of activity behind the scenes. We have almost completed A Choir of One and are also well under way to completing my second CD, Gail Selkirk - Songbird of Swing!. . Have a look at my latest editorial Almost Finished! for more details. For those of you in the area, I will be performing at a concert with Mark Eisenman on September 10th. Click Here for details.
July 12th,  2004 We've finished recording and have started to mix! The song we're currently working on is Battle Hymn of the Republic.
Stay tuned for audio samples.
May 3rd, 2004 Last week we finished recording all the tracks for the eighth song of the CD: Battle Hymn of the Republic. Prior to that, we also recorded Blessed Assurance and Morning Has Broken. You won't find any preview MP3 files of these songs posted as we haven't mixed them yet. We've been concentrating on the recording and want to finish the tracking before we go back to mixing. This week, we start recording the final song of the CD: Amazing Grace.
Stay tuned.
February 28th 2004 Since writing my arrangements, I've had quite a few requests from choir directors wanting to foist them upon unsuspecting choristers. That's now going to be possible, thanks to LilyPond music typesetting software. Click here to find out more.
September 23rd, 2003: We've finished a second version of the mix of my arrangement of What a Friend We Have in Jesus. Have a listen to it and enjoy!
August 21st, 2003: We've finished the initial mix of my arrangement of What a Friend We Have in Jesus. Have a listen to it and enjoy! We've also polished the mix for my arrangement of Bridge Over Troubled Water. As we are unable to post a sound clip, you'll have to wait until the CD is released to hear it.
July 19th, 2003: I've posted a new article for you to read and enjoy: Mixing - What Fun! We've also recorded and have started to mix my arrangement of What a Friend we have in Jesus. You'll be able to hear it very soon.
March 9th, 2003: We have an excerpt of an initial mix of Turn Your Radio On for you to listen to. It's my a'cappella arrangement of an inspirational and very catchy song written in 1938 by Albert E. Brumley.
February 1st, 2003: We have been busy recording and mixing and plan to post some new material for you to listen to in the next couple of weeks.
December 25th, 2002: Merry Christmas to everyone! May you have a happy and healthy holiday. We have been busy recording and mixing and plan to post some new material for you to listen to in the next couple of weeks. If you like, you can subscribe to my announcement mailing list so I can let you know when I update my web site and add new song samples.
August 7th, 2002: A new focus: Gospel Jazz! A new song: Swing Low, Sweet Chariot We've also added a page where you can subscribe to my announcement mailing list. Click here to join. I'll let you know when I update my web site and add new song samples.
June 9th, 2002: Take a look at the new Selkirk Songs section we have added to our web site. It will be dedicated to presenting jazz songs I have written, complete with downloadable demo MP3 files, lyric sheets and lead sheets. The Links section of the web site has been re-arranged and expanded.
April 27th, 2002: We've changed the MP3 song file links to include lo-fi as well as hi-fi streaming links. This is in response to people who said they had trouble with the hi-fi streaming. The lo-fi links are definitely of a lower quality and are mono as opposed to stereo. But, they may allow those with slow or higher latency connections to stream files from our web site. On the recording front, we've been busy recording and should have new song samples posted shortly. Stay tuned...
Performances in March:
March 9th, 2002: As a result of feedback, we've changed the MP3 song file links. We now have two links for each sound file: one is a streaming link and the other is a download link. People with relatively slow (modem) connections told us they definitely prefer download links, while some of those with fast (broadband) connections liked streaming links and some liked download links.
February 24th, 2002: We've finished our first mix of Joshua Fit the Battle of Jericho! We invite you to listen to it. You'll find the MP3 file of this song on our Jericho Page.
Jan. 31st, 2002:
We re-mixed Tenderly this week. We were reasonably happy with the previous mix
of Tenderly, but felt we could improve it by tweaking the reverb on the vocal and
by bringing out the guitar more.
Click Here
Jan. 25th, 2002: We are still mixing Joshua Fit the Battle of Jericho and we plan to post the first complete mix of this song on our web site soon!
To show you our progress, we have posted an MP3 sound clip of the shout chorus
of Jericho.
Click here Jan. 16th, 2002: We are still mixing Joshua Fit the Battle of Jericho and we plan to post the first complete mix of this song on our web site soon!
In the meantime, we've added another MP3 preview sound clip for that
song. It's in the "preamble" section.
Click here Jan. 9th, 2002: We are currently mixing Joshua Fit the Battle of Jericho and we plan to post the first complete mix of this song on our web site soon!
In the meantime, we've added another MP3 sound clip of Gail's Amazing Grace Jazz Choir
to the About Gail page.
Click here
We've also added some information and links regarding the hardware we have in our studio to the Links page. Dec 30th, 2001:
We decided to add an MP3 sound clip of Gail's Amazing Grace Jazz Choir
to the About Gail page.
Click here
Dec 26th, 2001:
We are working on mixing
Joshua Fit the Battle of Jericho
and have posted a preview sound clip for the intro' to that song.
Click here
Dec 19th, 2001: We've started working on Gail's composition: Swan's Lament, by recording an initial piano and voice track. Our friend, Hal Goodman, came over and layed down a tenor sax solo for us this evening. We'll be sending this initial take to the drummer and bass player who will be playing in the rhythm section for this tune. We don't have any preview sound clips available yet and will announce them as a news item when we add them to our site. Thanks for the lovely playing Hal! Dec 11th, 2001: We spent some time working on mixing the intro and first verse of Bridge Over Trouble Water. It's a beautiful and unique arrangement of this classic by Paul Simon. December 1st, 2001:
We're working on mixing Joshua Fit the Battle
of Jericho and have added another preview sound clip for that
song. It's in the "tumblin' tumblin'" section of the song.
Click here
Recap from Jan 2001 to Dec 1st 2001